When I look back at my Real Estate investing career, there have been many components that have helped me along the way. However, the most significant catalyst in my career is undoubtedly meeting Pip Stehlik. I bought my first property in 2006, and by the time I met Pip in 2010, I had six units. With Pip’s help, I grew to over 200 units in less than three years and quit my job as an Engineer. I was fortunate enough to take one of Pip’s training classes AND have Pip as my mentor. Be prepared when learning from Pip, as your head might explode from all the knowledge you’ll receive! Pip teaches in such an entertaining way that you will enjoy every minute of it.
One of the biggest ways Pip helped me was to get me out of my shell. Real Estate is a people business. I started as a very introverted person, not wanting to get out there and meet people. Pip came to my home, spent three full days with me, and held my hand through the process of getting out and meeting new contacts and making offers. He gave me the confidence to get out there and do it on my own. There is no way I would have been able to grow as quickly as I did without Pip’s help. Furthermore, Pip has also helped me get out of my comfort zone so much that I am now speaking in front of crowds with 150+ people, which never would have happened without him.
One of the greatest things about working with Pip is that his passion is seeing others grow to meet their full potential. He gets his kicks out of seeing his students succeed. To this day, he is still there to help me along with anything I need. When working with Pip, it is not just a class or a mentorship you are taking. It is a lifelong relationship you are building. Pip is Awesome!