I first met Pip while he was speaking at an event in Orlando in 2017. I was highly impressed with Pip from the onset. The trait I noticed first about Pip is that he is a natural-born speaker. What Pip has genuinely cannot be taught. Pip is 100% genuine and has a natural ability to place people at ease. Pip’s teaching skills at the individual, small group, and large group levels are second to none. Pip can take the most complex subjects and teach them at the lowest common denominator while never leaving a student behind, regardless of room size.

What is even more impressive about Pip’s skill set is his ability to sell without selling. Pip does not have to push an agenda or a product. Pip has an innate ability to lead the groups in the direction he wants them to go. They will purchase because they believe in Pip, and that is the most authentic and purest form of salesmanship.

Finally, Pip is not a fire and forget kind of guy. Pip is tireless in his efforts to answer every post-sale follow-up question/email from students. During one large group presentation, I recall that Pip pulled up his outlook inbox, and it had over 1800 messages that he had recently responded to. That isn’t salesmanship. That’s leadership. If I were asked to hire or recruit one speaker for an organization, Pip Stehlik would be my number one selection without thinking twice.

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