I have known Pip for several years and have been continually impressed with his work ethic and job performance and his incredible ability to connect with people.
Many people can work hard or push themselves to achieve. Still, along the way, their humanity and compassion often get sacrificed. I have seen Pip work tirelessly to support real estate students and investors as they struggled with problems from small to large. His priority is always people. Pip’s ability to connect with people allows him to teach complex tasks while keeping them laughing and learning.
Pip’s long-term success is based on his commitment to excellence, high levels of knowledge and maturity, and an ability to focus on actions that enhance teamwork and lead others to success. His students revere him as a giving mentor.
As a Vice President of a large investment training company with offices around the world, I witnessed Pip’s ability to go where ever he was asked and to have an impact. Pip took on the most demanding tasks in the most challenging markets and always achieved success. Pip delivered.
As a retired Army Special Forces Soldier, I was impressed with his commitment to people and the success of his fellow employees and the overall company. Balancing competing priorities is not always easily achievable, but Pip makes it look effortless.
Pip continually displayed the intellect, talent, motivation, and professional acumen to succeed under challenging sales tasks and achieve maximum training results with multi-culture students and staff. He leads by example, working efficiently, and is a skilled leader that maximizes the potential of his students and coworkers by intelligently motivating them to work more efficiently using their strengths.