Pip Stehlik is a rare individual who has a constant presence about him that embodies integrity, passion, and honesty.  His infectious personality is always a benefit to those around him. He has been an inspiration to me in my quest to live with purpose and change the lives of others, as he did for me.

I Met Pip back in April 2012 through a real estate seminar that he was teaching, which dramatically changed the lives of both myself and my husband for the better.  I was fortunate enough to work side by side with Pip, where I honed my sales skills by watching him.

There are so many that make him the best at what he does. Here are few things that I love the most. Being himself, Pip would never brag about his success or flash material stuff.  He would let success show itself by having team members and former students share their personal stories of trials and triumph, no matter how big or small.  His extreme transparency helps build trust, which leads to sales.

He also builds relationships by remembering people’s names and understanding their personalities quickly by engaging them through a series of questions to determine their values.  He is also tireless in providing feedback and advice to anyone who reaches out to him with questions or concerns.

I would not be where I am and who I am today, either personally or in business, without his guidance and support. He is a true hero to me and many others.  I will remain ever grateful.  Thank you, Pip!

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